Saturday, January 30, 2010

An Asher Anniversary!

Today, we have had Asher for one year! Can you even believe it?! 

Here he is a year ago...


And here's the best pic I could get of him today... 


We love you, Ash! We can't wait to see what the next year brings!

CD 1...Here Goes Nothing!

Well, after a 90-ish day cycle (yes, I'm serious.  Yes, I know that's not good.) and 12 days of provera (I had only ever been given 10 days, so I thought it was weird that Dr.D prescribes 12), yesterday was CD1.  As instructed, I called to schedule my hsg.  I am to be at the office at 12:45 on Wednesday, February 3 for a 1pm procedure. 

Here's where I need some help from my fellow IF-ers.  How much pain will I be in afterward?  The information I've been given says that I should have someone come with me, since the pain afterward could be non-conducive to driving.  Here's my problem: no one who can drive is available!  My usual go-to people either have to work or just had surgery.  My second-tier people also have to work.  I've even asked my co-workers, and they're busy, too!  My friend, Brenda (who lives in Georgia) says she'd be happy to take me, but we all see the problem with that. lol  This pretty much leaves me with having to have one of my dads take me, which is not really on the top of my list. (Can you picture it? "Why are we going to Iowa City, again?" "I have to have dye shot up my falloppian tubes." "Let's not say falloppian tubes.")  Basically, I need someone to tell me whether I'd be fine driving myself home or whether I really should have my dad go with me.  Of course, the other problem is that I will have worked 12 hours the night before, so I probably SHOULDN'T be driving.  So, basically, one of you needs to come with me.  Decide amongst yourselves... 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chicago and Rude Produce

Nick and I spent Wednesday-Friday of last week in Chicago.  We had a blast!  We caught the train in Galesburg Wednesday morning and were in the windy city by 10:30am.  We then caught a metra to Deerfield where we spent the afternoon with some friends of ours, Jimmy and Cassie.  Jimmy was best man at our wedding.  We had a GREAT time with them!  They made lunch (and it was DELICIOUS!) and we sat and talked theology and life all afternoon.  Before we knew it--and way too soon, I might add--it was time for us to catch the metra back into the city.  We checked into our hotel and ordered pizza and swam.  We had the pool area to ourselves for awhile, but then some old ladies showed up.  The first night, neither of us slept very well.  I think we've decided that our bed has ruined us for all other beds.  It used to be that I slept great at hotels because their beds were so much better than mine.  Now, that's not the case.  Also, I sleep with a fan on for background noise, and I didn't have one at the hotel.  So, the combination of the bed, the quiet and the thin walls made for a less than awesome night of sleep.

Thursday, we went shopping and out to lunch with one of my "internet friends," Heidi and her husband Josh.  We had never met before, but we had a great time at Water Tower Place and shopping on Michigan Ave.  We had lunch at Cheesecake Factory in the bottom of the Hancock Tower.  I'd never been there before, but it was good.  I didn't even have any cheesecake! lol  That night, we had delicious Italian food for supper at Rosebud, followed by a long walk and subway ride to see the Blue Man Group.  It. Was. Awesome.  We were in the first row and were issued ponchos! haha  I didn't really get all that wet, but it was super cool.  I highly recommend seeing them!  Afterward, we went back to the hotel and rented a movie on the tv, which I have also never done!  We watched "The Time Traveler's Wife," which I read awhile back.  As usual, the book is much better, but the movie was ok.  Maybe not worth the $15 we spent to rent it, but ok all the same.  That night we slept a little better, but I was definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed!

Friday we packed up and checked out of the hotel, leaving our luggage with the concierge until it was time to catch our train home.  We did some shopping on State street (which houses the more budget-friendly stores).  Old Navy was having some super clearance and we got Nick a pair of flannel lined jeans for $6!  We decided on lunch at Weber Grill.  We HIGHLY recommend it!  It will change your life!  I got a burger, and Nick got a meatloaf/pulled pork combo.  It was SOOOOOOO good!  They cook on actual Weber Grills, and it is delicious!  We caught our train home at 3:15.  My mom and dad had upgraded us to a roomette for the short trip home, so we had a little room all to ourselves.  It was fun, and much better than being herded in with all the other people. lol  We got back to Galesburg and went and picked up Asher.  He seemed decently happy to see us, but I think we were happier to see him than he was to see us! haha  We slept in our own bed that night and it was heavenly!

I worked the weekend, and was having serious withdrawls from having been with Nick for the last 3 days.  I absolutely LOVE spending time with that man.  It never gets old.  I'd rather do nothing with him than do something uber exciting without him.  He is truly my best friend.

Well, as you may have guessed from my Chicago trip menu, the weight loss wasn't at all awesome this week.  I had to weigh this morning as opposed to yesterday, because I like to weigh first thing with an empty bladder and I had worked all night Sunday night, so I didn't really have an opportunity.  I only lost 0.2 pounds, which, I suppose, is better than gaining.  I just need to keep at it and realize that we don't go to Chicago all the time, so the number should be better next week.  Oh well.

While I was grocery shopping yesterday, I bought bananas for Ash.  Check out what they said.

Rude, right?!  Jeez! I can't catch a break! lol

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quick Monday Post

Today's weight loss news: 4.6 pounds since last Monday, sucka!

Also, I want to wish my awesome husband a VERY happy 24th birthday! I sincerely wish we could just spend all day together instead of me having to go to work! I love you, baby!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Plan of Attack

Who doesn't love getting up at the butt crack of dawn to shower and leave for a doctor's appointment an hour and forty minutes away?

More than that, who doesn't love waiting in the waiting room for 70 minutes watching other people who got there after you get called first?

Even more, who doesn't love the borderline high blood pressure that presents itself when at the doctor's office (probably as a result of the above two things and having to get on the scale), even though it's just fine when you take it other times?

Who doesn't love realizing that you don't have any cash on you and having to pay the $1.65 parking fee with your debit card?

Rest assured, I love all those things.  (Note the sarcasm)

The basic plan of attack is to start on my provera, and call them on CD1 to schedule my HSG.  After that, and some continued weight loss, we will do a baseline ultrasound and education on injections.  (They sent me home with a DVD on the Follistim pen to watch.  Exciting, I'm sure.)  Then, we'll do 5 days of femara followed by 3 days of follistim.  I forgot to ask if we'd be doing an IUI or the old fashioned way.  I'll have to remember to ask that when I go for my hsg.

The kicker is that I didn't even get to see the doctor!  I saw a physician's assistant, who I'd never met before.  I was in the room for maybe 20 minutes total. ugh

Anyway, that's pretty much what I learned at my appointment today.  Thrilling, eh? 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Random 50th Post

So, a few random things:

I'm in the throes of babysitting my 3 year old brother, Sam and my 4 year old sister, Mercy.  That's right! I currently have a 2 year old, a 3 year old and a 4 year old and 3 cats roaming around my house in various states of consciousness.

We started back to the WW points-counting last week.  I'm trying to get back into going to the Y, but it's proving to be more difficult that it was when the weather was nice.  Now, I'm all concerned about Ash being in the child care there, what with all the H1N1 and seasonal flu.  (He did get his vaccines, but still, I SO am not a fan of sick children!)  In nice weather, I'd just throw him the car and we'd drive to a paved road so I could walk while pushing him in the stroller.  Now, with more than a foot of snow on the ground, that doesn't work very well.  Not to mention the sub zero temps we've been enjoying the past couple of weeks...lovely.

Anyway, I'm going to try to post a small update on Mondays as to how the weight loss is going.  Maybe trying to keep myself accountable...we'll see how well that works.  I've decided Mondays are my weigh-in days, which is partly because I started the dieting on a Monday and partly because it will (hopefully) keep me on track on the weekends.  I won't tell you the weight I see on the scale, but I will tell you that I lost 4.8 pounds since last Monday! Woo!

I'm supposed to go to the RE on Thursday morning (more on the supposed to momentarily), and I'm kind of loathing it.  On one hand, I'm looking forward to getting going on doing something resembling anything on the infertility front.  However, I'm sure it will go something like, " gained some weight back since we saw you last." "Yep.  The holidays (and my general laziness) will do that, but don't worry, I'm back at it!"  "Hmmm..."  "You said you wanted to schedule an HSG, anyway, so I figure I still have awhile to lose some more before I would feasibly be housing a human being."  "True.  When do you want me to shoot dye up your hoo-haa?"  That's how I figure it will go.  I have a hard time psyching myself up for the 1 hour 40 minute drive when I usually end up spending more time in the waiting room than I do with the doctor.  ugh

I got word last night that my step-grandpa passed away.  It didn't overtly come out of left field, as he was getting up there in age, but he went pretty quickly from just being in the hospital to passing away.  We don't know when services will be, yet, but my step-mom guessed probably visitation Wednesday with funeral Thursday.  That, of course, means I'll need to reschedule my RE appointment, so I hope to find out pretty soon.

Finally, this is my 50th post! Yay, me!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Potty Training!

Well, we started on the potty training New Year's week.  The first day was terrible and we prayed for death.  The second day was improved, but still not awesome.  Then, he spent 3 days rocking out at using the potty!  We're talking few accidents, good attitude and even going in public on a big boy potty!  We was wearing underwear at home and keeping them dry for the most part.

Then, Monday rolled around and he started throwing a big baby fit every time we suggested trying to potty.  Then he'd only go a couple of drops and demand "jum jums!"  (We were using M & Ms as reward, which I know we're not supposed to do.)  He has gotten a little better, but we're still not back to how we were a few days ago.  I will seriously pay good money for a potty training fairy!

(Can you handle how cute little tiny boxer briefs are?)

He LOVES playing with theses letters and numbers!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More to Come...

...I promise!

I'm in the midst of a really stupid work week, but I promise to post more soon.  I'm mentally preparing a potty training photo post (exciting, I know.).  Also, we're back to the dieting and exercising, so I'll probably chat about that pretty soon. Also, I have a RE appointment the 14th, so we should know a little more about the next steps in the IF stairwell, here pretty soon. 

In the mean time, I it's Blog Delurking Week!  SO, delurk! Let me know who you are!