Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo a Day February-Day 1

I know quite a few bloggers participating in this this month, so I thought I'd join along (one of them is my Mom.  She's awesome and insightful and will probably be way more interesting to follow this month than I will be. Check her out HERE!)  

I know it's been long time, no blog around here and I'm sorry.  I can't really guarantee that after this month it will get any better, but at least for awhile you'll all be graced by my blog presence. *eye roll*

So, for Day 1: My View Today

If I were to take a picture of my view for most of the afternoon, it would be my feet in a recliner with How I Met Your Mother on the tv.  That's not very exciting.  Neither is looking at the neighbor's houses if I were to take a picture of my outdoor view.  So, this was my view this evening:

Nick and Asher doing school while I did dishes

And my Latte, favorite cat (don't tell the others).


Missy Bennett February 1, 2012 at 10:07 PM  

I love it! And thanks for the link-up! And Latte is awesome because he was born to it!

Missy Bennett February 1, 2012 at 10:08 PM  

Oh...and I don't think I'd seen your new blog set-up! I like it!

Sass February 2, 2012 at 8:46 AM  

I missed you so much!!
I'm doing it to, but on instagram!

Great to see you back lovely!
